Sunday, November 27, 2011
thank you dear friends. i had lots of fun last night. (;
and i got to know new people too.
kenneth and lydia are like the idea couple to show me what love is actually about...
and i really envy them. and thankful as well, for they made me believe that such love still exists out there...even though i've encountered one setback after another...and currently am still trying to get out of one in which i've been totally messed and played with, and trampled on like dirt...i'm so scared honestly, so scared because as my relationships progress, they seem to treat me worse, guy after guy. it took me so long to trust a person again, but yet he ended up hurting me alot more than how the previous 2 have. okay enough said.
i should stop dating people until i learn how to love myself more than i love others. i need to stop losing my own personality and my own life everytime i fall in love with someone. in other words? i need a backbone. a strong one. no one will like a girl who constantly becomes boring whenever she gets into a relationship. no one likes a clingy girl with little or no opinion at all.
this is all so tiring.
the attempt to move on, to dare to try and trust a person again is so... lets just say i seriously have no energy for these kinda things for now.
whatever will be, will be.
shall study and do more sports in the meanwhile. golf, tennis and swimming are definitely on my list other than bowling!
dont feel like blogging anymore for today le. feeling quite sian tbh.
yay. 9 pin tap tomorrow! (;
spin me silly, 2:36 AM.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
lol. okay. so i havent thrown the bouquet away. wah laooo. i feel wasted more than anything. if i could pluck out the pink teddies and give it to little girls and make their day from it, it's better than throwing it away right? :( shall find a way to make it useful. (:
today's the birthday of someone i used to have a thing for this time last year. cause we had a hell lot in common. lol. although i eventually decided against being anything more than good friends, i'm glad we still talk sometimes..just not like before. well, as the saying goes, "love comes and go, only friendship stays." and i'm glad we didn't turn out like my recent relationship. my ex and i? we're barely even friends now. lol.
just hope for the best for mr. someone out there. hopefully he'll get the bestest birthday of his life just yet! a surprise at his workplace or something. without any ugly nutella monkey cheesecake from a horrible lady baker (who was desperate enough to use the nutella to cover the unevenness and cracks on the cheesecake :X), unlike last year. LOL. (:
and this is why i'm so skeptical of baking another cheesecake for my godbrother. if he sees a big patch of nutella on it, he'd probably understand why already. hahaha. Tsk :(
still debating whether or not to give up the group of friends i got to know while we were together.. whether to go for the group gatherings etc. sighs. because i dont know what kinda emotions will be triggered if i see him for the first time since the breakup. and i'm kinda scared. but come on, i'll have to face him someday too right? why not now?! the earlier i face it, the better anyways. i. really. really. wanna. move. on. for. good. and i'm already trying my very best.
i'm happy that i can actually make myself happy again! i think i finally understand what it means by "take your happiness into your own hands. never rely on anyone else for your happiness." thank you ex boyfriend, because i finally understand what you meant when you told me those lines on mount faber. (:
i know i'm getting over you, just by the fact that i can smile when i look back and think of it all as an experience and a learning journey. with a little more time, i'd probably be able to let go of it all. (: whee. till that day, i shall persevereeeee!
bowled with sy and daryl yesterday. found it so much more effective than going for sim trainings, like seriously.. opened hourly lanes and just tried to repeat consistent shots...was so happy yesterday. (; sighs, how to train consistent release?! i either drop ball or i'm late! tsk.
and then i woke up aching all over today. damnit. shouldnt have bowled 2 hours and 5 games while down with flu. :(
time to learn to pick up spares..cause i'm sick of bowling 130+ averages..#%^#$@#$#
spin me silly, 2:19 AM.
Monday, November 21, 2011
i'm throwing away the pink teddy bouquet tomorrow. already asked my maid to dispose of it since i cant do it myself. it's sucha waste to do so on my own.
but i'm glad he bowled his first perfect game ever, and in sea games somemore. it led me to remember how we even got closer in the first place. it was one of the nights that jas and i were watching kok and tiac bowl spgg league. jas told him if he can score perfect game, he'll get a kiss from me. he bowled a 299. LoL. saw the epic sad look on his face after that. so when he sent me home. i told him "299 deserves a hug at the very least. great job and i'm proud of you!" and hugged him before i left the car. and then it all began. and now, i'll never give the kiss. LOL. its funny how many things have changed over the past 8 scares me that yet another year of my life is over. :((
flu flu flu. down with flu for the 3rd-4th day and counting..feeling like crap now. urghh. but oh well, i'm going bowling later! bowl until i happy! :P but actually it's to open my thumb hole a tad more. cause it keeps swelling after i bowl 2-3 games. and then my thumb will get stuck and i become desperate for i dont have my own tools to open the hole up. tsk. my finger inserts for my bedlam needs to be changed toooo. damnit. i could barely put 1/2 my finger in after bowling 6 games the night before. -_-"
AND LOL. i finally found a clip of michelle's bowling! awesome!! its like shuai qi max. hahaha! envyyyy.. and then she directed me to youtube and i found her doha games one also. the specs with the dyed hair and the braces. EPIC win leh. lol!
time for flu panadol. already warned sy that he might trip on my mucus on the approach tomorrow and just fall. :X already told him to forgive me in advance if it happens. LOl.
spin me silly, 2:04 AM.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
我的加油简讯又被 ignored 了。 算了,我也不管那么多。我为这个曾经伤了我的心的朋友加油,已经足够了。 连把他当作是朋友,已夜经是我的极限了。朋友不是这样可恶 的。
还以为,你会跟我的前男友不一样,还能做回朋友,可是,差不多没两样吗!好失望。算了。 我在这半年里,已经为了你哭了好多次,浪费了好多眼泪,也已经够了。。。我不应该再为你而哭了。 你不值得我为你这样付出啊。。。
就算这样,为你加油打气,是我对朋友们的原则。对每个重要的朋友都一样。 你不领情,也罢。 那是你的问题,不是我的。 有一天,你会后悔失去这样的朋友吧。
spin me silly, 2:36 AM.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
wtf is wrong with me.
fugggg. even typing the symbols above with my swollen fingers (yeah, from bowling again) hurt!!! cant even vent my pent up frustrations anywhere.
stop wallowing in self-pity melissa. you know how disgusting it is to see it from a good friend's point of view, after seeing one of your guy friend wallowing in self pity after his breakup too.
stop it already.
spin me silly, 12:57 AM.
好想干干净净地把你给忘掉。 可是我每天还是听到您的消息。 还以为终于可以把你给忘了,可是,当我看到您在的地方发生地震时,不知为何又慌张与担心得不得了。
可见我的伪装还算成功。 因为连甘哥哥都以为我已经把你从我心里头给删掉了。
加油思秀。 加油呀。不要,不要再为他而难过了。。。
spin me silly, 12:26 AM.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
spin me silly, 4:02 AM.
Friday, November 11, 2011
all the best to you.
i'll be here wishing you luck.
jiayou ng tiac pin.
and the day finally arrives, the day im not gonna be able to realize my short term goal the past 6-7months. the goal of being confident enough to drive my car and send my darling off to the airport for his sea games. LOL. how stupid eh? firstly, he's no longer my darling. secondly, there'll be other people to send him...
with this goal unrealized today, hopefully i'll be able to slowly put him somewhere in the deepest corners of my heart, and move on...
being with him for the 6 months has made me a very greedy person indeed. instead of being contented with who i am and what i am...i actually disliked myself, looked down on myself, asked myself why weren't i in the nat squad too, that if i'm in the nat squad too, maybe i'll be able to clique more with him, maybe we'll be happier, maybe we'd have more common goals together, maybe we can even travel together for opens.
dumb unrealistic dreams they were, come to think of it.
mel, wish him luck, as a friend. nothing more, try to reduce all the hard feelings and hatred, and the feelings you still have for him...put it all away..
found an easier recipe for oreo cheesecake! dont care already, this one better suffice for kor! :X i still owe him his cheesecake. lol
spin me silly, 3:32 AM.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
i had a nightmare. i went back to my old house, and a ghost haunted me.
so i went to google what does dreaming of ghosts meant:
"In general, ghosts symbolizes aspects of yourself that you fear. This may involve a painful memory, guilt, or some repressed thoughts. You may be afraid of death and dying. Alternatively, ghosts are representative of something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. it indicates a feeling of disconnection from life and society. This dream maybe a calling for you to move on and abandon your outdated modes of thinking and behavior. Your dream is telling you there is an issue/situation you are avoiding. The letter G in a dream represents termination. An awareness that something is going away or can't repeat itself. The symbol is based on the letter looking like a circle that never completes and terminates to the centre."even my dreams are telling me that i've been move on..and that whatever it is, it's
that's probably the one thing i havent been able to do or come to terms with.
spin me silly, 12:40 PM.
so tired. so empty. somehow, now that sea games is nearing, all i think about is
"is the stress building up for him?"
"Is he all prepared?"
"Does he have anyone by his side helping him out so he doesnt fall sick?"
"Should i text him to just show my support?"
i know its so wrong. it obviously goes to show i have gotten over the relationship. cause i still care for him, and i know its more than just care...
apparently 5 weeks isn't enough for me to get over him, even if i'm moving on with my daily life..
bowled like fuck today. really like fuck. i cant even hit consistent pockets and i dont know how to improve already.
spin me silly, 3:24 AM.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
pms week again. i feel really really emo. i dont know what to do. i've lost count of how many days we've broken up. but i know i havent been able to make you walk outta my heart. its still filled with you... fml.. really. fml... hate pms.
and now my tears are free falling again. :'(
when... just when will i ever be able to let you go.
i thought i was doing fine. until pms hit me... the thoughts i've been trying to hide, the feelings i've been bottling inside. suddenly becomes 2x as overwhelming.
someone, anyone, just save me please.
spin me silly, 2:01 AM.
the saddest part of today?
uncle jason telling me "you've bowled one year for nothing."
spin me silly, 3:33 AM.
Thursday, November 3, 2011

spin me silly, 3:34 AM.
everytime i scroll to your facebook profile, it still stings...
when will i ever be fine again? somehow the stinging just serves to remind me how much you meant to me and how much i've loved you in the past year.
but life has to go on.
so tired...
spin me silly, 2:58 AM.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
"Letting go of the past is not easy, especially if you have wounds that have never properly healed. But, the past is past and living there may be preventing you from fully experiencing the present. Likewise fear of what may be looming around the corner can also prevent you from fully enjoying the present. Live in the moment and look forward to whatever lies ahead..."
spin me silly, 10:56 PM.
another sleepless night. :(
dad sent me to chevs for training today. and he commented "i like my melissa more now. don't you feel like you've been yourself again the past one month? back to the chatty melissa. not the one who sits in one corner of the table during meals, not the one who is so quiet and refuses to open her mouth to speak... isn't it so much better, this melissa now? isn't life less stressful and more carefree for you this way?"
i declined to answer.... life has its pros and cons idea whether it's more pros than cons actually. sighs.
and dad counted? it's really been one month as of today. or rather 28 days. 4 tuesdays ago we broke up. life seems so different now, even though i still think of him. we both are leading our own lives now. and it will continue to be so.
had supper with sy today. left my bowling balls with him. i better rmb mans! and seriously, my bedlam costs $290?! wth?! :( sighs...
its 4.11am...and i'm wide awake. :( my show wont load quickly, and i gotta wake up by 10am. urgh. i'm screwed.
kor's having his papers today. GOODLUCK HIGHSCORE KOR! (:
spin me silly, 4:13 AM.